Monday 14 February 2022

4 Recipes And A Song The Grandkids Will Love xoxo

  • 1.Healthy Pumpkin Raisin Muffins 
  • Muffins are small, round breads with a sweet taste and best served warm. The word muffin comes from the word ‘moufflet’ which is French. The word is often used for bread and other soft foods that are baked. However, the origin of the muffins is not from France. Muffins are actually British and American specialties. History of Muffins...One interesting fact about muffins is that there are two types of muffins: British-style muffins and American-style muffins. Both types of muffins vary in terms of taste and history. British muffins have a flat shape and a hollow inside. British-style muffins were discovered by the Welsh in the 10th century. In the Middle Ages, muffin dough was cooked in a special ring-shaped mold placed directly on the stove or pan. English muffin recipes began to appear in the early 19th century. In Victorian era, young men sold muffins with special carts on the streets and rang bells to attract buyers. People will rush to buy muffins and eat them during afternoon tea sessions. This pratice inspired the English song titled ‘Here Comes the Muffin Man’. American muffins are more like bread cooked in a muffin pan. Muffins pan are needed because muffins are made of batter not dough. Until the end of the 18th century, the batter used chemical yeast, namely pearlash which produced carbon dioxide in the batter. After that, baking powder is used to develop the dough, until now. In the United States, there are three states that have official muffins. Minnesota with blueberry muffins, Massachusetts with corn muffins, and New York with apple muffins.....READ MORE HERE: 
  • 2. Cranberry Walnut Bundt Cake
  • Cranberries are native only to North America. There are only three commercially grown crops that can make this claim – cranberries, blueberries and concord grapes. William MacNeil planted Canada’s first commercial bog in Nova Scotia in 1870. picture showing cranberry blossom and head of sandhill crane Early settlers thought the cranberry blossom resembled the head of a crane and called them ‘crane berries’. Cranberries were so important to early settlers, laws were passed in some areas to prevent wild bogs from being picked illegally. couple crouching on a cranberry bed looking at and tasting the cranberries growing there. Cranberries DO NOT grow in water! flooded cranberry bed with cranberries floating near the surface Cranberries are harvested in water because it makes picking easier. Cranberry vines form a dense ground cover. Flooding floats the cranberries out of the tangled vines, making them easier to pick. Cranberries are commonly planted from cuttings, not seeds. Cranberry vines don’t need to be replanted. They can continue producing indefinitely. Our beds have been producing for over 60 years. You would only replant if you wanted another variety. Cranberries are perennial, but it takes 5 years for a newly planted bed to become established and produce a full crop......READ MORE HERE:
  • 3. Mango, Prawn and Avocado Noodle Salad with Satay Dressing  
  • We all love noodles and why not, they are so tasty and so versatile! Although a lot of negative publicity is done around them, they are still around and are savored as a staple in several countries. The origin of noodles dates back to 4000 years ago in China. At present, noodles are available in more than 30 varieties in different parts of the world. You will be surprised to know that the humble bowl of noodles is full of nutrients and has now reached even space, all thanks to technology. It was only after World War II, noodles became an integral part of Chinese food history. This 4000-year-old food item has some really interesting and shocking facts associated with it that no one can ever imagine. Let us explore such 16 interesting facts about noodles that’ll probably shock you. In many cultures and regions, noodles are not just a food. For Chinese, they are a symbol of long life. They are prepared as a customary dish on occasions like Chinese New Year and birthday gatherings. For some, noodles are an alternative to the birthday cake too. Made with rice, semolina, refined flour or wheat flour, this easy-to-make food item has more than 30 varieties and is found in different parts of the world. In Asia itself, one can find approx 15 varieties of noodles. One can even pick noodles in round, flat, thin, or thick texture.......READ MORE HERE: 
  • 4. Peppermint Mocha Bulletproof Coffee  
  • You pour it without thinking (or more likely to help you start thinking) but there's a fascinating backstory behind your morning cup of coffee. Here's what goes into each cup of brewed beans — err, seeds. The drink dates back to 800 A.D. Legend has it that 9th-century goat herders noticed the effect caffeine had on their goats, who appeared to "dance" after eating the fruit of the Coffea plant. A local monk then made a drink with the produce and found that it kept him awake at night, thus the original cup of coffee was born. Coffee beans are technically seeds. They're the pits of the cherry-like berries found on the flowering shrubs, but we call them "beans" because of the resemblance to legumes. And you can eat coffee cherries as a food. Early on, people mixed coffee berries with fat to create an energy-rich snack ball, according to PBS. They would also ferment the pulp to make a wine-like drink (yum!?). There are two main types: Arabica and Robusta. Growers predominantly plant the Arabica species. Although less popular, Robusta tastes slightly more bitter and contains more caffeine. Brazil grows the most coffee in the world. Today, Brazil produces about third of the world's supply, according to the International Coffee Organization, about twice as much as the second place holder, Vietnam. Only two U.S. states produce coffee. Kona coffee is the United States' gift to the coffee world. Because coffee traditionally grows best in climates along the equator, Hawaii's weather is optimal for harvesting beans. California also recently got into the coffee game with dozens of farms now churning out pricey premium bags.....READ MORE HERE: 
  • One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Once I Caught A Fish Alive Lyrics
  • One, two, three, four, five. Once I caught a fish alive. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, then I let it go again. Why did you let it go? Because he bit my finger so. Which finger did he bite? This little finger on the right. 
  • How many fish species are there? The most often quoted estimate of the number of fish species is 20,000. There may be as many as 20,000 more. What's the world's largest fish? Large spotted whale shark with diver near its tail. The whale shark is the largest fish. The largest fish in the world ... is actually a shark. Specifically, the whale shark, which grows to more than 50 feet long and may weigh several tons. The second largest is the basking shark, which can measure 35 to 40 feet long. What's the world's smallest fish? The smallest fish is the tiny goby, which lives in the Philippines. It rarely grows longer than half an inch at adulthood, yet is so abundant it supports a fishery. What's the most common fish in the ocean? The most common fish is any of the species of a deepwater fish sometimes called a "bristle mouth." The fish is about the size of a small minnow. It is caught at 500 meters or deeper all over the world.

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